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Have you or your organisation recently been the victim of fraud, or theft of assets? If so, you may be looking for ways of tracing assets and locating both the missing funds, as well as those responsible.


What is Asset Tracing?
The term, ‘Asset Tracing’ refers to the process of locating and securing funds that have been taken as part of fraud or theft. It can also include tracing those individuals responsible, even when they attempt to escape legal restitution and obscure their true worth by distributing the assets overseas or amongst family and friends.

With global banking becoming both more common and more accessible, Asset Tracing has become more time sensitive, with too many guilty parties being able to disperse their wealth overseas. Trusts, tax havens and incorporate companies can also be used for the same purposes, making the process of Asset Recovery and Tracing more complex than ever.

Undertaking Asset Tracing
Asset Tracing can be a complex process, extending far beyond the resources available within most organisations. However, a powerful tool that can be used in Asset Recovery, as well as to ascertain prior to litigation whether the other party can meet compensation demands or legal costs, Asset Tracing can prevent substantial losses.

The process of tracing assets may include the following:

• Identifying the beneficiaries and perpetrators of the fraud or major theft
• Gathering and analysing all evidence from the organisation and third parties such as the banks or agents
• Forensic examinations of computer and mobile phone data, including deleted or archived material
• Pinpointing physical assets which may belong to the perpetrators such as houses, property, companies, shares etc
• Tracing the movement of funds through any bank accounts
• Ensuring the integrity, admissibility and availability of the evidence
• Detailing the findings so that the legal team can be briefed and so apply for Mareva Injunctions [freezing orders] and similar injunctions to recover the funds

Regents’ Approach
At Regents, we believe that stealth and confidentiality are the keys to a successful Asset Tracing assignment. Our efficient and thorough techniques ensure that the net is tightening on the perpetrators, before they are even aware that the assets have been frozen or that the fraud or theft has been discovered. We work fast to ascertain where the assets can be located and who is responsible, and where possible, to ensure that the assets are secured and returned to our clients.

Employee Screening

Business Intelligence

Asset Tracing


Due Diligence

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